Sunday, July 15, 2007

Annotated Bibliography for Research Paper

Bicha, K. D. “Western Populists: Marginal Reformers of the 1890s”. Agricultural History, Vol. 50, No. 4. Oct. 1976: 626-635. JSTOR. 12 July 2007. <>.

I used this article for my background information on the Populist, specifically for what the Populist wanted to accomplish for the people.

Dreier, Peter. “Over the Rainbow: Once upon a time, The Wizard of Oz was a populist fable.” 1997. 12 July 2007. <>.

I used this website to help form and prove that there is a connection between the Populist and the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Also this is used to help verify the other source I used about the connections between Populist and Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Garcia, Joe. “The Wizard of Oz & Political Staffers.” 3 January 2007. 15 July 2007. <>.

I used this site to help verify the information about the Wonderful Wizard of Oz and connections between the two. This was one of the first websites that I looked at when deciding to pick a topic.

Hackney, Sheldon. Populism to progressivism in Alabama. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1969. 12 July 2007. History E-Book. <;cc=acls;q1=Populism;rgn=full%20text;idno=heb00252.0001.001;didno=heb00252.0001.001;view=image;seq=00000019;node=heb00252.0001.001%3A4>.

I used this book for information about who were the populist and its members.

Legg, Mary C. “The Wizard of Oz II Political Allegory.” 31 Oct. 2004. Media Inc. 15 July 2007. <>.

I used this site to help verify the information about the Wonderful Wizard of Oz and connections between the two. This was one of the first websites that I looked at when deciding to pick a topic.

Littlefield, Henry M. “The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism”. American Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1. Spring, 1964: 47-58. JSTOR. 12 July 2007. <>.

This is another article that I used to help form and prove my thesis that there is a connection between the Populist and the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Ohio Historical Society. “People’s Party.” People’s Party. 2005. Ohio Historical Central: An Online Encyclopedia of Ohio History. 12 July 2007 <>.

I used this website for background information about the Populist Party. Mostly used for their platform and how it got started.

Rogin, Michael Paul. The intellectuals and McCarthy: the radical specter. Cambridge : M.I.T. Press, 1967. 12 July 2007. History E-Book <;cc=acls;q1=Populism;rgn=full%20text;idno=heb00303.0001.001;didno=heb00303.0001.001;view=image;seq=00000001>.

I used this book for information about the Populist and their members. Also, I used information from this book about what the Populist stood for.

Weschler, Raymond. “The Wizard of Oz.”1999. 15 July 2007. <>.

I used this website for plot summary for the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was just to tell the story for many that do not know it and also it helped me remember what it was about.

Winsboro, Irvin D. S. and Moses Musoke. “Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Race, Rhetoric, and Reality In Southern Populism.” Historian. EBSCOhost. California State Polytechnic University Lib., Pomona, CA. 12 July, 2007. <>.

I used this article from a magazine that gives me information about Populism. Mostly about how Populist got African Americans to vote for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope more people comment on this. You've done a very thorough job. Good annotations and sources.